Founded 1865

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Christmas 2010

This work in love is dedicated to my own four children: Jeb Arthur Trine (b. 1-4-1974), Corisa Heather Trine (b. 5-11-1975), Josie Mae Trine (3-29-1978) and Cassie Jane Trine (b. 3-28-1979). The four precious now adults are the children of Philip Douglas Trine (b. 12-15-1947 Norfolk, NE) and Linda Lou Bunik (b. 4-28-1950 Fort Collins, CO). Their parents were united in marriage in Madison, NE on 1-4-71 during the time period their father began his first semester in law school at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln. In 1973 your mother become a Registered Abstracter within the state of Nebraska prior to our move to Madison, NE the hometown your parents shared in their youth.

The old grandfather's clock once belonging to my maternal grandfather sits in my home today and speaks to me each hour with sounds that I can hear with my ears that the face of time remains the same, but those faces of those we love soon only become like pieces that only life in our memories. GRAMPS was a man that I met when I was 3 years old with my teddy bear and he told me so many stories and was a man that I called "my buddy" until he died in 1963 and I was only 13 years old. Missing a buddy when you are 13, and there are no textbooks a young girl can find to grieve such a special man that was always there for her when she was scared or confused. Life is like a river that keeps moving into that ocean of time. My father too had a mother whose memories only lived in his boyhood memories and covered in tears. I understand. This is also for my grandma I never met "Grandma Edith". I met her younger sisters Charlotte and Eunice and loved them so much. I feel such lose that I never had an opportunity to know this woman that Gramps missed so much and said goodbye to when she was pregnant with my father in those times before airplanes and telephones and only letters in a Depression when stamps were so expensive in Chicago where Edith lived as a young mother. -Linda L. Bunik

I have degrees in both history and anthropology and it is my real intention to document my research on the history of STANTON COUNTY, NEBRASKA. My beautiful 4 children's parents share the commonality of a history of families with lives in this location during a time period so unfamiliar as today. This will be a work of fun and is a gift to my 4 adult children and their father on their Christmas together in 2010. They can sit at the computer and have a break from jig saw puzzles. You just have to scroll down with each entry ... My first entry I make on this blog will be at the beginning. I will attempt to label each entry so the ARCHIVE on the side of the page will assist. You guys like walking around cemeteries and looking at dates. This will be full of dates and places and pictures and the order will be determinate upon the ones I find first. **This blog would also make my special auntie Eleanor (Bessie-Bunik) Lucas happy because she spent her adult life as a professional genealogist in Carthage, Illinois. (b. - d.) where she lived with my favorite uncle, Clayton and their only son Ronald Lucas that was 1 year older than my own oldest brother Joseph Alan Bunik ( b. 6-28-1948 - d. 5.28-1998). My two younger brothers Bruce Arthur Bunik (b. 1-4-1953) and Christopher Lee Bunik (6-2-1954) and myself had such fun for two weeks every summer of my childhood. I will be putting in personal family pictures that I find appropriate to provide understanding of people we remember are seen in those frozen moments in time so easily just called photographs. GRAMPS was so sad he had no picture of his little Edith when she was a small youngn' like I was when I was so small. Tears and that is the rainfall falling from humanity as the seasons of generations pass on through the centuries. I hold oral knowledge from a time so long ago that GRAMPS talked so much about with his own childhood and parents, grandparents and he too remembered a great grandfather and GRAMPS was born in 1877 so he was a walking history book. As a junior in high school in Madison, NE, I won 3rd place in the state in American History and this lifetime of interest in history is the result of John J. Bessey in my first 13 years of my life. I am finally a woman and I have a grief that only at this time am I finally putting a closure on by this work of love to a man that was so special to a little girl before those times of adulthood that stood right before me at the age of 13 years old in 1963. (John J. Bessey b. 7-8-1877 d. 8-29-1963).

Genealogy (from Greek: γενεά, genea, "generation"; and λόγος, logos, "knowledge") is the study of families and the tracing of their lineages and history. Genealogists use oral traditions, historical records, genetic analysis, and other records to obtain information about a family and to demonstrate kinship and pedigrees of its members. The results are often displayed in charts or written as narratives.

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